
Thursday, March 3, 2011

The True Mexican

Note: I filled in for an administrator at a school I worked at today.  The following words where on a poster that was framed for all who entered the office to see.  I made sure all the students that came into the office read it.  No author was listed.  

What is a Mexican?

A Mexican is light-skinned, brown-skinned and dark skinned. A Mexican has blue, green, brown and black eyes. We are not characterized by similar physical features or by a homogeneous origin. Instead we are bound together by our culture and a nationalistic pride unequal to any other. One of the reasons why our pride is so unique is because we acknowledge our indigenous roots like no other country.

Most Mexicans recognize the great achievements of indigenous groups such as the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Toltecs, Maya, and Aztecs. The most beloved and known are the Aztecs. Even though they are considered a Mexican treasure, too few Mexicans on this side of the border are aware of their achievements. The Aztecs were a great military power that allowed them to have one of the greatest empires of their time. It was also their military power that brought about their downfall.

The Aztecs demanded obedience from the other Indian groups they conquered, which created tension. When Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1511, he saw the tension and quickly took advantage of it. In our world history classes we are taught that Cortes conquered Mexico. This is a fallacy because the Spaniards did not conquer the Aztecs. In reality, the surrounding Indian groups conquered the Aztecs. We’re not taught that Cortes recruited over 100,000 indian warriors in his 10 year war with the Aztecs. Most important is the fact that most Aztecs died at the hands of another Indian, not the hands of a Spaniard.

Presently there is another conquest of Mexicans. It is not in Anahuac but in the u.s. Just as Cortes deceived and tricked the Indians into killing each other off, the establishment of this country, with it’s promises of equal opportunities and it’s grossly misallocated resources, is accomplishing the same goal. To many Mexicans die at the hands of another Mexican.

Real history, our history not his story, teaches us that fighting amongst ourselves only serves to bring about our downfall.

We , as the Aztecs, are at a technological disadvantage. We are for the most part uneducated and unaware. However, the Aztecs had a numerical advantage, we too have our strength in numbers. If we utilize and focus the potential power we have, we can be the strongest force this country has ever witnessed.

We the new Aztec warriors (read Brown Berets) must learn from our ancestors’ mistakes. Before another carnal is beat down, stop and think about who the real enemy is. We have a war to fight. Not a war of guns and knives but one of minds and education. Our victories are no longer on the battlefields but they are each carnal or carnala sitting on the most powerful committees in this country.

The definition of a Mexican is in the name. A Mexi-can and will do the right thing. PAZ.

A Brown Beret Cadet Flying the Bandera Mexicana

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