
Monday, February 21, 2011

Taking back our street and leadership development

Hello family, friends, and allies, 
It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the official reactivation of the Fresno Chapter of the Brown Berert National Organization (BBNO).  I want to personally invite  you, your family and friends to a reunion for all former, current or future Brown Berets in Fresno. 
The conditions in our barrios and pueblos are no different than they were 10, 20 or 30 years ago.  Our people are being criminalized and our youth are seeing a prison cell or grave plot instead of a classroom and higher education.  The dopefins, crackheads, tweekers, bullsdogs, Nortenos, Surenos and marijuanos are winning the hearts and minds of too many young Raza. The bloodshed and lost human potential that results from "OUR" problem is not acceptable.  
It is our problem because only we will be able to solve this, no one else will do it for us.  We can't start solving this one problem let alone the hundreds of other ones affecting La Raza if we continue thinking in one dimension.  We have enough educated Raza right now who could collectivly solve all of the Chicanos problems but we can't because most of us are chasing the American dream and quite frankly many can't envision what reality can be if we all said Chale to the good ol USA, "we'll do it ourselves" because under the following legal docments, US Constitution, Treaty of Peace (Hidalgo),and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have a right to establish our own nation which we will call Aztlan.
The collective power of a nation can change conditions we have seen in the Phillipines and most recently the nationalist movement in Egypt. As a committed Chicano Nationalist I am going to work to create our nation of Aztlan by: 1, teaching the young our glorious history, 2. keeping them interested in education, 3. commit them to applying their future knowledge and educational success to furthering La Causa and creating Aztlan.    
The vision of a new nation that is colorblind, truely democratic and free of weapons of mass destruction will occur, it's just up to us as to how long we want it to take?  In our lifetime, our children's or their children's?        
The reunion will occur on Monday, February 21, 2011 and 4800 E Illinois, Fresno from 1pm to 6pm.  This in the areas of Chestnut and Tulare.   If you can please stop to say hi, bring some history, bring a drink or dish or even resources we might be able to use. 
I also need you to do another favor, please forword this email to anyone in Fresno or Madera that may have had ties to the previous Fresno bbno units as I am missing contacts with many or to anyone just wanting to stop by and start getting involved.
 Finally, check out my writing web site -- Chicano related short stories and some brown beret slide shows at:  I also posted so work and some history of 1st Fresno Brown Beret leader Catalino Hurtado at:  Bookmark it.   
Any proceeds from page views on these sites will be used to pay for uniform assessories and for travel in support of other Brown Beret chapters. 
Information regaring history, philosphopy and rules and uniform requirements can be obained at:
Any questions please feel free to contact paul garcia VIVA LA RAZA

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